Swedish Technology


RTLS real time location system

Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) are technologies used to automatically identify and track the location of assets or people in real time, usually within a building or other contained area.

In the healthcare sector, the application of RTLS goes beyond simple tracking; it transforms the way hospitals and clinics operate. In healthcare, RTLS can be used to monitor the location of medical equipment, staff, and even patients, leading to improved response times and better patient care

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RTLS Platform

  • Innovation-driven tech development environment
  • No browser and OS dependency
  • Mobile device support (OS and Android)
  • Advanced reporting
  • Map and satellite service support (e.g., Google maps)
  • High security standards
  • Supports SSO, AD, LDAP integration
  • Integration with 3rd party applications by using Restful APIs

Key Components of RTLS:

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Placed at various locations within the tracking area to receive signals from the tags. The receivers calculate the position of the tags based on the received signals.

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About RTLS

Healthcare: RTLS

1. Healthcare: RTLS is used in hospitals to track the location of medical equipment, patients, and staff. This helps improve patient safety, asset management, and workflow efficiency.

Manufacturing and Warehousing: RTLS

2. Manufacturing and Warehousing: RTLS can be used to track inventory, equipment, and personnel within a factory or warehouse, leading to optimized operations and reduced downtime.

Retail: With RTLS

3. Retail: Stores use RTLS to track inventory and shopping carts, enhancing inventory management and customer experience.

4. Transportation and Logistics

4. Transportation and Logistics: RTLS helps in tracking shipments, managing fleets, and ensuring the security of goods in transit..

Security and Access Control with RTLS

RTLS is used for tracking personnel in secure environments, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access certain areas.
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Employee Tracking with RTLS

Lone workers in high-risk environments face unique challenges due to their isolation. This necessitates prompt detection of falls, immobility, and unauthorized entries. Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) can effectively address these worker safety challenges. By tracking the real-time location of employees at-risk, RTLS empowers organizations to protect their staff by significantly improving emergency response times
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